Friday, October 23, 2009


Per my usual routine I did not wash OR condition my hair this morning. I carefully bent over the tub and sprayed my upside down locks with tepid water. I scrunched the dripping water from my hair and using Curly Girls "plopping" method added product to my wet head.

[Plopping: You cup the ends of your hair and scrunch upward in an accordion fashion. Start with the under hair and work your way out to the crown; making sure to "plop" the crown last.]

Once I was done plopping I rubbed my fingers above my ear in a scratching motion to get all the curls off my ears and to prevent my large ears from sticking out from my hair. It also adds a little volume to the curls.

Since the last time I attempted this method my hair became nasty, gross, and smelly I'm not sure what to expect in the end result. I will admit that since reading the book I have noticed that my hair is DRY and while spraying it I could tell it was a little stringy and brittle. I regret not conditioning it but at that point I didn't have time and needed to leave for work. Due to my lacking of time and inexperience with this I have a feeling I'll be itchy all day at work due to a dry scalp. Oh well, live and learn.

Curl: 5 out of 10
Frizz: 6 out of 10
Weather: 63 F, 94% humidity, light rain.
Stress: moderate- I hate driving in the rain

1 comment:

  1. I went a whole summer without shampooing or conditioning (using ACV and baking soda instead), and my hair was a brittle mess. It's much better with no shampoo and conditioner. I don't plop, as I have two little guys and haven't quite mastered it. I'll learn one day.
    Sidenote: I'm a librarian, too. :)
