Wednesday, November 11, 2009

DAY 21: Baking

Today I tried something new.... and failed miserably. I made plans last night to try the baking soda recipe this morning. I set my alarm 20 minutes early, measured out a tablespoon of baking soda into a 1 cup measuring cup and set it in the bathroom for in the morning.

The directions say to condition hair as you normally would and blot dry. Mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda with 1 cup of warm water and spray on hair. Let it sit for a couple minutes then rinse with cold water, blot dry, and style as usual.

I followed the directions exactly and for a while thought it might turn out great because it says it should make your hair feel clean and look shiny. However in my case I don't think I rinsed all the baking soda out of my hair; causing it to feel super greasy and somewhat sticky and the curls are seriously weighed down. Over all, my hair is NASTY today. I left it down as long as I could but as the day goes on its gets worse; currently it is pulled up in a messy bun and the bangs are pinned back. If I scratch my head/ scalp at all it flakes small powder like flakes that vaguely remind me of baking soda. Can we say GROSS?!!? I can not wait to get home so I can hop back in the shower and rinse my hair.

I am determined to not let this deter me from trying other recipes or even the baking soda one again; I just need to make sure that I do a better job rinsing next time. :) I'm even making a stop at a health food store on my way home from work to pick up a few essentials for future recipes. I'm just dying to the Fruit Smoothie Wrap!

Curls: 2
Frizz: 0
Weather: 59 F, Sunny and windy, 27% humidity
Stress: High

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